Treat Sunburn at Home

Sunburn! Can happen at any time in the year and regardless of whether you’re at the beach, at a picnic, climbing Machu Pichu or skiing. They are never fun and can be downright dangerous. What I love about these 5 super easy sunburn remedies is that you’re not only soothing your skin, you’re helping the skin heal and potentially preventing serious consequences in the future.

Here are my top 5 go-to sunburn cures:

1.Potato paste

You will need…
-1 potatoes
-A grater, blender

Wash and scrub your potatoes thoroughly, and then either grate them over a bowl or cut them up and put them in a blender. There is no need to remove the peels. If you’re using a blender, give them a whirl until they’ve become quite liquid.

Let it sit for 15-20 mins

Pour out the mixture, soak cotton balls thoroughly in it, and apply to sunburn. An easier perhaps more effective method would be to soak gauze and lay it over the burn. If you’re using a grater, grate the potatoes over a bowl and apply the pulp, trying to get as much juice as possible.


2.Cornstarch/baking soda

What you’ll need:

Cornstarch or baking soda
-Cool water

How much cornstarch or baking soda you need will vary depending on how big of an area you want to cover. Whichever one you are using add cool water-not cold- little by little until it has reached a paste-like consistency. Smear the paste gently over your burn and leave on until the heat or pain has let up some. Rinse off completely.

Let it sit for 15-20 mins


3. Wash with witch hazel 

What you’ll need:

-3 tablespoons of witch hazel, approximately
-Cotton balls or a clean soft cloth

The amount of witch hazel you will need will depend on the area of the burn you want to cover. Pour the necessary amount into a bowl, and soak cotton balls or a clean cloth in the liquid. Dab on just enough to cover the burn-it doesn’t need to be dripping off. Reapply as needed for pain.

Let it sit for 15-20 mins


4. Vinegar

Pure unfiltered apple cider vinegar seems to work the best, and often times proponents of this method say is most effective after a cool or tepid shower.

What you will need…
-1 cup raw apple cider vinegar
-a spray bottle (optional)
-Cotton balls or something similar for application

Take a shower and before patting dry, spray the burnt area with the raw apple cider vinegar.

Let it dry.


5. Mint & Green tea 

What you will need…
-1 quart of boiling water
-5 green tea bags
-5 bags of mint leaf tea

Steep all bags into the water letting is sit for approximately an hour so you can get all the good stuff out of it.

Strain and then chill.

Apply directly onto the burn with a cotton swab. You can substitute de green tea for black if you don’t have green tea.

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