Endometriosis Pain Management

Struggling with endometriosis pain? There’s much you can do. First of, check out the video below for details, then check out the notes below the video.

Here are the foods that you should avoid or favor:

Foods to avoid

  • dairy
  • processed foods high in refined sugars
  • caffeine
  • alcohol

Foods to increase include:

  • green leafy vegetables
  • broccoli
  • celery
  • blueberries
  • ginger
  • chia seeds

Regarding the herbs and natural remedies to try, check these out:

  1. Castor oil

Castor oil has been used for hundreds of years to treat endometriosis. It can be used at the very beginning, when cramping is first felt, to help the body get rid of excess tissues. It’s important that this technique is only used before the menstrual flow, and not during.

Castor oil should be massaged directly into the abdomen. You can also mix it with a few drops of a relaxing essential oil like lavender to help relax the pelvic muscles, and apply it to a warm compress to place on the abdomen.

  1. Turmeric /ginger

Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial to people experiencing endometriosis symptoms. It can also be used to manage endometriosis in the long term. Some research has even found that it has the ability to inhibit endometrial growth.

You can take turmeric capsules, or make turmeric tea by boiling one cup of water and adding a teaspoon of both turmeric and ginger powder. You can also add honey and lemon. Drink this three times daily while experiencing symptoms, and at least once daily when you’re using it for maintenance.

Ginger tea

Some people with endometriosis experience nausea as a result of the condition. Ginger tea is one of the best home remedies for treating nausea, and research has consistently shown that it’s both safe and effective.

You can purchase ginger tea packets at many supermarkets and grocery stores. Just add them to a cup of boiling water and drink two to three times daily when experiencing nausea.

  1. Pelvic massages with Motherwort oil

Massaging the pelvic muscles can help relax them and reduce inflammation, reducing cramping. Using a few drops of high-quality lavender essential oil can help further relax the muscles. Gently massage the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes at a time.

Pelvic massages should only be used before the menstrual cycle; it may aggravate symptoms if you use it as a treatment during your period.

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