Herbs That Help You Detox

Welcome to video #3 of the detox diaries. Apart from doing food-based detoxes a couple of times per year, detox herbs taken regularly can help keep toxins at bay.

These are some of the herbs I’ve used for years and that are mild tasting and really awesome at reducing toxins in the body and maintaining balance and health.

The fun thing about them is that you can have them hot or cold, add them to your recipe or make them in teas and get to enjoy their benefits at any season.

Go to the video below to learn more!

Have you tried any of these herbs? Which one? Which one is your favorite?

Let me know in the comment section below!

3 thoughts on “Herbs That Help You Detox”

  1. Thanks for Video #3…..I am going to try some of these. However, I didn’t catch the names of the three. Could you send spellings on them?

  2. Correction on the first send, which you can delete and replace with the below:

    Thanks for Video #3…..I am going to try some of these. However, I didn’t catch the names of the LAST three. Could you send spellings on them?


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