SUGAR! How much we love thee sugar! You have had a long-standing love affair with Oreos, ice cream or the “healthier” dark chocolate or vegan cookies, even though you know that stuff is not good for you.
Every morning you wake up with a new will: to stay away from sugar. By night time, you’re once again totally hooked. You’re ready to stop the temptations but feel like you have no willpower. And the truth is that you do not!
Learn WHY and HOW TO CURB sugar cravings in 3 easy steps! Check out the video below!
Remember, repetition is key. It will take you at least 21 days to learn this new habit so you must commit to your 3 steps on the video and follow them every day.
Hope you enjoyed the video. SHARE with your friends all over the net!
I have watched this video already but it is good to refresh your mind with something anyway to help it sink into your brain so I will frequently be watching all the helpful tips you give. Especially now around the holidays which is actually a brilliant way to get this message across and help me stick to it. Thanks again Jovanka Happy Holidays!
Jovanka – what about fresh fruit? I presume dried fruit isn’t allowed?
Fruit is one of nature’s perfect foods for us humans but it does have sugars so consuming them while you’re trying to kick a sugar addiction/habit may be counterproductive. When I did it, I stayed away from all sugars, including fruit for about a month. Then I started consuming fruit with lower levels of fructose like berries and rhubarb and working my way up from there. Today I eat fruit every day, including bananas, mangoes and pineapple. Yes, those have high fructose content but they also have amazing enzymes, phytochemicals and most importantly fiber that help counterbalance any issues with the natural sugars. Hope this helps!
Have all of the elements needed handy whereas cooking.