My Beef With Milk
I have a bone to pick with milk. And with the people that tell us that milk is great and with the celebrities making money and trying to sell you the “white stuff”. But is it true?
I have a bone to pick with milk. And with the people that tell us that milk is great and with the celebrities making money and trying to sell you the “white stuff”. But is it true?
Interview with a wellness warrior and founder of Mylkman, a milk alternative delivery company in Southern California. His name is Jeff Leaf and ever since I first tasted the “mylk” I wanted to meet him and pick his brain about the goodness of his product, his personal wellness journey and how’s he’s helping the world become healthier, one bottle of mylk at a time.
We have spoken here many times before about lack of proper digestion and the issues related to constipation. But there is one thing we have not discussed: it is that the way you sit to poo may be adding to your digestive and constipation problems.
You’ve heard of all the benefits of yoga, from improve circulation and concentration, increase strength and flexibility, to reduction of pain, better sleep, more stamina, better libido, reduce anxiety! I mean, why would you NOT want to do yoga!?!
We’ve all been there and hate it: The bloating, the gas, the distended abdomen, or having to untie your pants to get some a bit more comfortable. And if your diet has been particularly poor, you are under a lot of stress or suffer from PMS it can get a lot worse: trapped gas that …
5 Best-Kept Secrets To Help Your Tummy Feel Great Read More »
Shedding extra layers of fat and maintaining a healthy weight requires a bit of planning, a strong will and enough discipline to carry you to your goal. Dieting is not just about knowing what to eat and how much should you eat. It also involves learning how to eat and engaging in activities and lifestyle …
6 Diet Habits That Are Keeping You FAT (And What To Do About Them) Read More »
Ayurveda is an ancient practice that literally means “science of life”. I have always been very curious about the benefits of Ayurveda, ayurvedic body types, ayurvedic products and the like.
Tens of millions of people suffer from constipation more than 3 times a week. In fact, there are tons of people out there that can go up to a week without going! You shouldn’t have to suffer through that. Pooping is a natural process that should happen effortlessly 2-3 times per day if you are healthy and eat the foods that your body was genetically designed to eat.