
habits that sound healthy but aren't

5 “Healthy Habits” That Are Not That Great For You

I spend my days educating people how to create lifestyle changes that will help them be healthy, stronger and extend their longevity. I also spend a lot of time debunking myths and helping people move away from habits that have long be considered “healthy” but that may be some of the stupidest things we do that are keeping us from reaching our wellness goals.

jovanka holding green juice

6 Diet Habits That Are Keeping You FAT (And What To Do About Them)

Shedding extra layers of fat and maintaining a healthy weight requires a bit of planning, a strong will and enough discipline to carry you to your goal. Dieting is not just about knowing what to eat and how much should you eat. It also involves learning how to eat and engaging in activities and lifestyle …

6 Diet Habits That Are Keeping You FAT (And What To Do About Them) Read More »

crazy ads on TV

Are The Food Ads on TV examples of False Advertising?

You may be wondering the same thing: what’s up with all the ads claiming things that are not really true. Ads about juices that are 100% fruit juice and yogurts that will help you poop better and cereals that will help you lose weight and all kinds of other “foods” that are (supposedly) great for you and will make you smart, popular, healthy and successful.

benefits of hemp

The Benefits of Hemp

Hemp is an ancient plant that has many industrial uses, for clothing, to accessories and even furniture making. It has been in use for hundreds of years in places like Japan, India and the middle east.
But you can also obtain many health benefits from it by adding the seeds to your diet.

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