
power of words

The Power Of Words

Every day for a month I said negative and demeaning words to what I called the “bad apple”. Things like “you’re nasty, fat and ugly. You’re stupid and incapable. You can’t do anything right. Why do you even try! You suck and I hate you”.

The other half, the “good apple” heard beautiful words of encouragement. I told her things like: “you are so smart, amazing, sweet and gentle. You are amazing and I am in awe of you, you are the best, I love you”. The first 7-10 days not much was happening… but then things started to change.

food for thought

The Food For Thought Summit Coming Soon!

Food For Thought: The Mind, Body, Spirit Summit! From April 14th-18th, I’ll be interviewing top wellness experts (doctors, nutritionists, therapists, coaches, best-selling authors) on how they manage to sustain a healthy lifestyle. All interviews will be available online at the Food For Thought website.

how to keep an open mind

How To Keep An Open Mind

Your ideals, values, and belief system have all been shaped and influenced by your background. Your thoughts are influenced mostly by what others taught you about where you come from, the color of your skin, your religion, the political views of the majority, what your ancestors believed in, etc. It was important to teach you …

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control your mind

6 Ideas To Positively Control Your Mind (Not The Other Way Around)

Buddha once said: “What you Think, You Become”. Thousands of years later, author Robert Collier said: “All power is from within and is therefore under our own control”. There have been hundreds of great thinkers from Buddah our modern-day mentors telling us, in one way or another that our minds are incredibly powerful and that …

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