What a Health Coach Eats, Winter Edition
I often get asked what I eat in a day and the answer to that question is “it depends”. I eat differently in winter than in summer. Here’s what I’m eating during the colder winter months!
I often get asked what I eat in a day and the answer to that question is “it depends”. I eat differently in winter than in summer. Here’s what I’m eating during the colder winter months!
The reasons why we suffer from diarrhea as far and wide, from bacterial infection to serious autoimmune disorders. Whatever the reasons behind your loose and watery stools, one of these natural remedies might be able to help.
Vegetarian or Vegan and with Food sensitivities? Listen on! So much has been said about grains causing leaky gut. Is it true? Why are we suffering from leaky gut and other gut problems when people have been eating grains for thousands of years {seemingly} without issues.
Essential oils are very effective because they provide fast-acting results, such as symptom relief and antimicrobial effects.
Much has and can be said about detox and its benefits for overall health. But can it help you with your tummy troubles? I believe so and here’s how.
This is a little recipe I take with me everywhere I travel and have at home for those days when I overeat and/or eat away from home, meaning we might be eating things I normally avoid.
The most common uses of glutamine pare to lose weight fast, burn fat and build muscle. But we now also know that this powerful animo acid is very helpful in treating leaky gut and improving my symptoms of IBS.
Did you know that the function of your immune system, the state of your mental health, the pain or lack thereof in your joints, and even whether or not you have seasonal allergies can all be determined by one thing?
Have you heard of Reishi mushroom? You may not want to toss your next salad with some reishi mushrooms (yeah, they are really bitter), but when you hear what all this little ‘shroom can do, you may decide to add it to your supplement regiment!
So you’ve been farting stinky bombs for days. Maybe even haven’t popped properly or feel like you should poop a bigger one but it hasn’t come. What to do?
AH-MAZING NEWS! I’ll be starting along with 4 other celebrity trainers and Shaun T of Insanity Workouts on a new show that will air on ABC prime time. The show, called “My Diet Is Better Than Yours” and will premiere on January 7th at 9/8pm C. This is an amazing opportunity to showcase alternative treatments and healthy …
New ABC Show “My Diet Is Better Than Yours” Hosted by Shaun T & Starring Jovanka Ciares! Read More »
Triphala is an ayurvedic herbal formula that comes in pills and powders and it’s used to support digestion, maintain regularity, assist natural internal cleansing and nourishing the entire body.
Have your suffered from acid reflux? The diaphragm helps keep acid in your stomach but sometimes, some of the acids that help break down food during digestion can trickle up, moving to the esophagus and causing symptoms like…
Halitosis can be caused by a number of conditions in the gut or even beyond. My first suggestion is to go to your doctor and make sure you don’t have parasites, ulcers, IBS or any other condition that may be exacerbating this issue.
Do you feel like you crave salt regularly? Think you eat way too may salty foods? Or maybe not enough? Yes, eating too much salt is bad, but eating too little is bad too. Salt is necessary to control the balance of body fluids, provide vital trace minerals and is crucial for growth and reproduction. So do you have cravings?