Natural Remedy For Bloating
So you had a great big ass meal and now you’re bloated and gassy. What to do? Here’s a real simple concoction tea that will kill that bloat in just a few minutes.
So you had a great big ass meal and now you’re bloated and gassy. What to do? Here’s a real simple concoction tea that will kill that bloat in just a few minutes.
Acid Reflux happens as a result of indigestion, when the digestive acids from the stomach flow up into the esophagus. This causes acid reflux and results in burning sensation in the heart region. If you are experiencing acid reflux symptoms, treat it immediately. Neglecting it can result in greater problems since the lining of the …
Natural Heartburn Remedies Tummy Tuck Series, Part 5 Read More »
Part 4 of the Tummy Tuck Series is here! Today’s topic is all about INDIGESTION! Indigestion refers to an upset stomach. Some of the symptoms to look for include belching or burping, nausea, bloated stomach, abdominal discomfort in upper abdominal area. Check out this video to learn easy home-made remedies for indigestion and upset stomach. …
Home Remedies For Indigestion – Tummy Tuck Series, Part 4 Read More »
We have talked about the food combining principles here a few times before. I’ve been following these principles in one form or another for years and I credit them for helping me manage my worst digestive symptoms, like bloating, painful gas, indigestion and constipation. The concept can be a bit complex if it’s your first …
Bloating can truly wreck havoc in your day. Imagine being at work…getting ready for a staff meeting and you start to not feel well. Your clothes don’t fit and you are sending silent but deadly reminders of that meal from last night. First, it’s important to understand where bloating stems from so you can alter …
How To Relieve Bloating – Tummy Tuck Series, Part 2 with Jovanka Ciares Read More »
Welcome to part 1 of a 5 part video series about improving your digestion and easy, home-made remedies for the most common digestive ailments out there. But before we dive into it, it’s important to know what you might be doing to cause havoc in your digestive track and (more importantly), what to do about …
What Wrecks A Havoc In Your Digestion – Tummy Tuck Series Part 1 of 5 Read More »
Food For Thought: The Mind, Body, Spirit Summit! From April 14th-18th, I’ll be interviewing top wellness experts (doctors, nutritionists, therapists, coaches, best-selling authors) on how they manage to sustain a healthy lifestyle. All interviews will be available online at the Food For Thought website.
Are you part of the 91% of women that say digestion issues get in the way of their daily life? Here’s a special interview I did with Nadya, where I reveal my own story and issues with my belly, the foods that I still rely on to prevent an upset stomach and lots of tips to help you in your journey.
I spend my days educating people how to create lifestyle changes that will help them be healthy, stronger and extend their longevity. I also spend a lot of time debunking myths and helping people move away from habits that have long be considered “healthy” but that may be some of the stupidest things we do that are keeping us from reaching our wellness goals.
We have spoken here many times before about lack of proper digestion and the issues related to constipation. But there is one thing we have not discussed: it is that the way you sit to poo may be adding to your digestive and constipation problems.
We’ve all been there and hate it: The bloating, the gas, the distended abdomen, or having to untie your pants to get some a bit more comfortable. And if your diet has been particularly poor, you are under a lot of stress or suffer from PMS it can get a lot worse: trapped gas that …
5 Best-Kept Secrets To Help Your Tummy Feel Great Read More »