
Wellness Smackdown Live in NYC

The first ever Wellness Smackdown Live Event is here. I’m beyond excited, humbled and honored to bring this labor of love to you!  So here are the details: The EVENT This 4-hour intimate experience has been designed to help you break old habits, build new, healthier ones and stick to your healthy living goals once and for …

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stop salt cravings, jovanka ciares

What Does It Mean When You Crave Salt (And How To Stop It)

Do you feel like you crave salt regularly? Think you eat way too may salty foods? Or maybe not enough? Yes, eating too much salt is bad, but eating too little is bad too. Salt is necessary to control the balance of body fluids, provide vital trace minerals and is crucial for growth and reproduction. So do you have cravings?

power of words

The Power Of Words

Every day for a month I said negative and demeaning words to what I called the “bad apple”. Things like “you’re nasty, fat and ugly. You’re stupid and incapable. You can’t do anything right. Why do you even try! You suck and I hate you”.

The other half, the “good apple” heard beautiful words of encouragement. I told her things like: “you are so smart, amazing, sweet and gentle. You are amazing and I am in awe of you, you are the best, I love you”. The first 7-10 days not much was happening… but then things started to change.

moxibustion moxabustion for injury healing

Moxibustion for Injury Healing

I had abdominal surgery a few weeks ago to remove benign (but pesky) tumors in my uterus (also known as fibroids). I’ve been using a few alternative treatments to help me recover faster and more effectively. Using a moxa stick or moxibustion is one of the ways I’m managing pain and reduce inflammation associated with major surgery.

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